January 17, 2015

Jasa Desain 3D dan 2D

H2 Cutting and Engraving selain melayani jasa cutting dan gravir bahan non-Logam juga melayani desain 3D dan 2D. Desain 3D H2 Cutting menggunakan Autodesk Inventor yang merupakan sebuah software CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) yang memiliki kemampuan pemodelan 3 dimensi solid untuk pembuatan objek prototipe 3D secara visual, simulasi, dan drafting. Sebelum membuat model 3D dibuat terlebih dahulu sketsa 2D dari masing-masing part penyusunnya. Disini Inventor memberikan kemudahan H2 Cutting untuk mengerjakan pemesanan agar sesuai dengan keiinginan dari costumer.

Untuk desain 2D H2 Cutting menggunakan Corel Draw yang merupakan software pengolahan gravik berbasis vektor. Corel Draw sendiri digunakan H2 Cutting sebagai perantara desain yang akan di kerjakan dengan software LASER untuk proses cutting dan engraving selain itu untuk desain-desain yang tidak cukup rumit menggunakan Corel Draw.
Salah satu upaya untuk menjaga kepuasan costumer H2 Cutting and Engraving mengupayakan agar pesanan sesuai dengan bentuk yang diinginkan dengan cara mendesai dan mensimulasikan pesanan ke model 3D.

Jl Wadung Asri 155 / Pasar Wadung Asri Gedongan
Waru - Sidoarjo
website : http://h2cutting.com 
e-mail : info@h2cutting.com
TLP/WA/SMS : 0822 4598 0028 - 0852 3321 5781
BBM : 769E19C2 - 750D327F
Melayani Pemesanan Secara Online
Untuk daerah Surabaya dan Sidoarjo siap antar free ongkir
READ MORE - Jasa Desain 3D dan 2D

January 13, 2015

Laser Cutting Sidoarjo

Telah dibuka H2 Cutting and Engraving

Jasa Potong dan Gravir Bahan Non-Logam Menggunakan Mesin Laser Cutting

Jalan Wadung Asri 155 /  Pasar Wadung Asri
Waru - Sidoarjo
Telp/SMS/WA : 082245980028
Website : http://h2cutting.com
E-mail : info@h2cutting.com
FB : H2 Cutting Creative

Material yang digunakan : Acrylic, Triplek, Kayu, Kain, Kaca, Marmer, Kulit

Free Ongkir untuk Daerah Sidoarjo dan Surabaya

H2 Cutting juga menerima jasa desain bagi Anda yang bingung atau tidak bisa untuk mendesain.
Software : Corel Draw, Photoshop, Autodesk Inventor

Info lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi http://h2cutting.com
READ MORE - Laser Cutting Sidoarjo

June 25, 2011

The Patient

When switching on the mountain, a Bedouin (village) once found an old man who was blind and that seems to suffer from various diseases through his body. It is clear he was unhappy. He even paralyzed and has been forced to remain seated. Bedouin is clearly heard, "Praise be to Allah who made ​​me free from the disease for which he tested many of its creation, and He loved me for many of them that He created ".

"My brother!" The Bedouin exclaimed. "What have you saved? By Allah, I think you have suffered with every single type of disease!"

"Depart from me," said the old man as he raised his head. "Do I still have a language with which I could pronounce his unit, and with what I can remember him every time and I 'have not a heart that I know? "

The words of the parents is sufficient for the Bedouins to repent to God for his sins and ask forgiveness.

Remember, there are always others who are in more trouble than you.
READ MORE - The Patient

June 23, 2011

The Best Thing is Have Best Friends

There are many things to say about friendship. Over the years, people relied on their friends and their friendship for comfort and support, and sometimes, tough love. After all, not everyone turned to their friends when they need someone to talk? Sometimes, people who you become friends with a tighter and more expensive than some family members you have.
Friends make you laugh when you feel sad and they encourage you when you have the blues. They lend an ear when you need it, and they give you a shoulder to cry on when the tears will not stop coming. This is how important friends. In this world, people appreciate the friendship they had, so much so that there are quotes of friendship and the countless, and greet all emphasize the virtues and values ​​have good friends in your life.
Some quotes about friendship to talk about how friends should be treated and how you should be treated as a friend. There are a few quotes that illustrate the longevity of friendship and what you should do to make them last longer. If you value your friends and close ties to share, try to read a quote of friendship and shared with dear friends who will surely appreciate them even more. The world can be a difficult place to live in what with all the problems and issues that arise from time to time, but it is good friends with you will definitely make life easier.
Nothing beats having a set of friends is really great to be there to support you when you need it and bring you back to earth if necessary. Good friends rarely so relevant that you all do their best to maintain the friendship, or you may miss each other. Contrary to popular belief, your friends should be treated and will not be used and misused because it will make you the parasite and not a good friend who you all think you are.
We often forget our friends when we change the college moved to another city or staying with family, but friends are the ones that you can always fall back on bad times. So remember them in good times as well, and this quote friendship will remind you all the good friends you have in your life. Join our Friendship page on Facebook.
READ MORE - The Best Thing is Have Best Friends
